I think every screenwriter should ghost write a few times.
Not only to learn to adapt and patience,
but also to pinpoint what you’ve done in your own script/s
that you are telling others not to.

So, the contract is signed, payment made, and deadline set.

 And you are tempted to post online all about it…


 This is huge – Restraint is critical to your career.

You will not get first posting, and rightly so. This is not about you.

 It is about the client, the project, and how they plan to market the project.
You will be required to acquire permission to post about their story.
This is at the discretion of the individual or company that has hired and paid you
to set a time and place to promote.

If you must,
think of it as the mother of all surprises that will be revealed at a much later date.

Most of those doing the hiring will be pleased that you want to
help them promote the project.

 It’s better than free advertising!


Whatever endeared you to the story in the first place will come through in your posts.
And write them when you’re in the thick of the story work.
They will be fabulous, heart-felt and emotional.
Awesome! Show them to your client.

 Now, file them away until the appropriate time when you are given
the go ahead to post them.
This will also give you the opportunity to revise with the depth and changes
you have added to the story before posting.